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Mission Vision & Priorities


In 2022, Lake Dallas ISD kicked off a Strategic Planning effort to help guide the direction of our district over the next five years. With new district leadership, the time was right to review all the things that make us special and unique, while also identifying where we can continuously improve.

In the first phase of the process, the Listening & Learning Tour, the district gathered community feedback with a survey. The survey helped identify the greatest strengths, weaknesses, opportunities & threats of Lake Dallas ISD. This valuable information was used to help create the belief statements, the mission, and the strategic plan, and to reaffirm our vision and slogan. Also during this phase, a Community Committee–which included teachers and parents–was established and the senior leadership team began reviewing and planning district priorities, objectives, and goals. This resulted in the creation of a Balanced Scorecard. 

The Balanced Scorecard was unanimously approved by our School Board and it offers a snapshot of what is important in Lake Dallas ISD and what we'll be focusing on over the next several years. In all, we have four overarching priorities in Lake Dallas ISD: Student Success, Faculty & Staff Engagement, Parent & Family/Community Support and Efficient Operations. You can view our Strategic Plan Balanced Scorecard below or by clicking here.

Each year we will align all of our improvement planning with the Balanced Scorecard to ensure we are implementing annual strategies that meet the needs of our students. I would like to thank you for your continued support as we all work to ensure Lake Dallas ISD remains a place where we inspire, educate, & empower our students.

Balanced Scorecard