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New Supplier Registration!

 Lake Dallas ISD is pleased to announce our new supplier registration process.  All current and interested vendors may now register online for any current or upcoming bid opportunities LDISD may have available.

Current Vendors:  Don’t miss out on future opportunities to continue your working relationship with Lake Dallas ISD. Register today to receive electronic email information and bid notifications, view current bids, and have the ability to respond to upcoming bids.

Not a current vendor but would like to be?  LDISD very much appreciates your interest in partnering with us for future bid opportunities.  Your registration as an interested vendor ensures you don’t miss out on receiving future notifications when new bids are open.

NOTE: Vendor/Supplier registration does not equate to being a preferred vendor with LDISD.  Your registration simply gives us adequate information to provide you with email notifications of bid openings corresponding to the goods and services you offer.  It also provides a “green,” electronic means for you to respond to open bids quicker and easier. Thank you in advance for your registration!

Register Here!

Current Bids