Meal Prices & Payments
2024-2025 Meal Prices
Meal Type | Breakfast | Reduced Breakfast | Lunch | Reduced Lunch |
Elementary Meals | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
Secondary Meals | $2.00 | $0.00 | $3.35 | $0.40 |
Adult/Visitor Meals | $3.20 | N/A | $4.20 | N/A |
Meal Payments
Payments may be accepted online directly through Skyward Family Access or our online meal payment system and will immediately be posted to the student's food service account. Payments can also be made at the point of sale during meal service.
A La Carte (extras) such as snacks, beverages, second meals are available for purchase. Students are encouraged to pre-load money into their lunch accounts for convenience. Funds are required to "charge" these items to the student lunch account. Cash is also an acceptable form of payment.
CLICK HERE! to view a list of A La Carte items and pricing.