Menu Information
- View what is being served each day
- View the nutritional information for each meal
- See if any specific allergens are being served
- Get notified when your student's favorite meal is being served
Download the MealViewer menu app here
What's In A Meal?
Breakfast: consists of 4 offered items (entree - a combination of grain + protein, fruit/fruit juice, and a choice of milk). Students are required to choose at least 3 of these items, 1 of the 3 items chosen must be a fruit or fruit juice but they may take all 4.
Lunch: consists of 5 offered items (entree - a combination of grain + protein, fruit/fruit juice, vegetables, and a choice of milk). Students are required to choose at least 3 items from the 5 food groups, 1 of the 3 items chosen must be a fruit or vegetable but they may take up to all 5.