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Lake Dallas ISD Medication Procedures

Medications in Elementary Schools

In most cases, elementary students are not allowed to carry medications with them. Medications are kept in the health room and administered by the school nurse or a staff member designated by the principal. Only medications that cannot be given outside of school hours will be administered.  Medications containing narcotics will not be administered. 

A written request and authorization from a parent/guardian is needed for all medications. This should include the student's name, date, instructions and a parent signature. The medication must be in the original container and labeled with the name of the student.

A medication authorization form signed by both the parent/guardian and the physician is required for all controlled medications and any medications that will be given for more than 5 days. 

For medications to be given by the school nurse, the above requirements must be met.  Elementary students may not transport medications to and from school.

Medications in Secondary Schools

In secondary schools (LDMS and LDHS), the student may carry and self-administer over-the-counter as well as some prescription medications with the following requirements:

  • The medication should be in the original container labeled with the name of the student.  Each medication shall have its own container.
  • The student shall carry the self carry permission form or other written permission from the parent/guardian to take the medication, as well as instructions on how and when the medication should be taken. 

An medication authorization form signed by both the parent/guardian and the physician is required for all medications to be given in the school clinic. Only medications that cannot be given outside of school hours will be administered.  Medications containing narcotics will not be administered. 

Students may not carry or self-administer controlled substances.

**Elementary & Secondary Students 

Texas law allows students to carry and self-administer emergency medications, including asthma inhalers and epinephrine pens, while at school or school related functions with written documentation from parent/guardian and their physician (Emergency Medication Self-Carry Agreement).  Unused medications not picked up at the end of the school year or within five days of being discontinued will be disposed of.

**Alternative therapies, herbals, and supplements not approved or controlled by the FDA will not be administered by school personnel. 

Medication Forms