- Who is affected by the new graduation plan?
- Do students have to declare an endorsement?
- Will students be able to take courses under different endorsements?
- Can students be undecided as to which endorsement they want to pursue?
- How will students know what courses to take?
- Will all students have a PGP?
- Can students complete all requirements for endorsements and DLA and still participate in athletics/fine arts?
- Are students required to take Algebra II?
- Will Health continue to be required under the new Foundation High School Program?
- Will Technology be required under the new Foundation High School Program?
- Will students be required to take Speech?
- How can students opt out of courses?
- Will students' transcipts and diplomas reflect Endorsements, Performances Acknowledgements and Distinguished Level of Achievement?
- If students complete only the Foundation High School Program, can they apply to a four year college?
- Who will be eligible for consideration in the Top 10% for automatic admission to a Texas institution of Higher Education (Top 7% for UT Austin)?